Delaware’s Top Revenue Sources: A Decade of Change

Delaware's Top Revenue Sources: A Decade of Change   Tracking Delaware's Tax Shifts and What's Ahead By Charlie Copeland Center for Economic & Fiscal Policy September 6, 2024     "Sometimes called Delaware's 'hidden sales tax,' the tax is levied on the seller of goods and services in the state, rather than the consumer."--Jonathan Starkey, former News Journal reporter and current Chief of Staff to Governor Carney writing about Delaware's Gross Receipts Tax.       In 2014, the News Journal published an article titled "Delaware taxes: Top 5 sources of s ...
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Offshore Wind is Killing Whales

New Evidence Reveals How Construction Noise and Seismic Testing Are Leading to Whale Deaths    By David T. Stevenson Center for Energy & Environmental Policy July 25, 2024     We have patiently waited for indisputable evidence that offshore wind is killing whales despite federal agencies repeatedly stating that no such evidence exists. It does now. Recent real-time acoustic tests of project construction noise and seismic testing reveal noise levels far exceeding those that result in whale mortality.   Furthermore, we now have scientific evidence that connects seismic testing used in seabed exploration with the increased whale d...
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No Need for a ‘Hospital Review Board’ in Delaware

No Need for a 'Hospital Review Board' in Delaware By Christopher Casscells, MD, Stacie Beck, PhD, and John Toedtman Center for Health Policy May 2, 2024     We commend Representative Valerie Longhurst's efforts to rein in hospital costs in Delaware. However, the creation of a "Hospital Review Board" in Substitute 1 for House Bill 350 will not succeed. The fundamental problem of high hospital costs in Delaware is due to a lack of competition.   NOTE: Hospital costs are clearly the largest component of healthcare costs in Delaware, and they have been currently and historically excessive ...[read more]

School Freedom Billboard Initiative Sparks Urgent Call for Education Reform in Delaware

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   School Freedom Billboard Initiative Sparks Urgent Call for Education Reform in Delaware     (Newark, DE., March 28, 2024)-The Caesar Rodney Institute (CRI) announces the launch of the School Freedom Billboard Initiative, a groundbreaking campaign to raise awareness and spark action to improve education performance in Delaware. The initiative's billboard, now prominently displayed on Interstate 95 south of Wilmington, DE, seeks to rally parents and community members to demand better educational outcomes for their children.     "The School Freedom Billboard Initiative serves as a visual reminder ...[read more]

Caesar Rodney Institute Releases 2nd Annual 'Delaware Report Card' on Governance

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 16, 2024   Caesar Rodney Institute Releases 2nd Annual 'Delaware Report Card' on Governance  (CLICK HERE to view the report card.)     NEWARK, DE--The Caesar Rodney Institute (CRI) announces the release of its 2023 "Delaware Report Card," marking the second year of its review in key areas of governance crucial for a strong and sustainable economy. These key areas include Business Taxes, State Economy, State Government Finance, Education, Environment, Energy, and Healthcare.     The report card was rigorously graded by CRI's team of policy experts, which inclu...[read more]

Navigating Reform: Legislative Priorities to Improve Delaware K-12 Education

Navigating Reform: Legislative Priorities to Improve Delaware K-12 Education Charting a path to excellence in the state's education system By Dr. Tanya Hettler,PhD, Director Center for Education Excellence March 21, 2024     Despite Delaware's significant investment in K-12 education, student performance in math and English language arts (ELA) has not improved over the past two decades. With per pupil spending ranking among the highest in the nation, we must reevaluate our approach and prioritize meaningful reforms to improve educational outcomes.    In response to this pressing challenge, we recommend the ...[read more]

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