CRI News

Second step in dealing with Delaware’s budget deficit

FOR RELEASE April 29, 2020   RE: Second step in dealing with Delaware’s budget deficit by David T. Stevenson, CRI Policy Director ...
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First Step in Dealing with Delaware's Budget Deficit (4/21/2020)

In just one month the spending limit has dropped $443 million for the 2020 Fiscal Year state budget that begins on July 1, according to the Delaware Financial Advisory Council (DEFAC). The lockdown of the economy in response to the COVID-19 virus is hitting Delaware hard, and DEFAC is looking at nea...
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Letter to Governor Carney: We urge you, Sir to suspend the CON laws immediately

April 15, 2020 Dear Governor Carney:   The present pandemic has shone the spotlight on the restrictive occupational licensing of doctors and nurses in their mobility state to state as well as practice restrictions in many states, including Delaware. In a matter of a few days, under the...
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Some truths need to be spoken... (4/6/2020)

As the pandemic of the coronavirus (Covid-19) evolves, some truths need to be spoken. Firstly, surgical masks do not protect the wearer of the mask. They protect others from the spittle that occurs with speech. That is why we wear surgical masks in the operating room. Secondly, gloves do n...
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Pandemic panicked politicians threaten freedom & Economy

Time will tell whether selective business closures, and shelter in place orders by governors around the country will have been any more effective than pleas for voluntary actions requested in most states. More certain is the immediate impact on laid off employees, lost business income, and loss...
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A DE Recession? (3/24/2020)

What will be the impact of the Covid-19 virus on Delaware's economy?   There are two extreme views among economists regarding the U.S. economy. The first view anticipates a substantial recession similar to 2008-09. The second expects a severe dip in the second quarter of 2020 with a ...
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Bloom Rebate Petition

The state of Delaware legislated requirements that led to Delmarva Power signing long term contracts for high cost electric generation sources. This included the purchase of fuel cells from Bloom Energy, Inc., and earlier than needed contracts for high priced solar and onshore wind resources. &...
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Corona Virus Scare in Delaware (3/18/2020)

Being a small state with a chronic shortage of hospital beds and a history of excessively long wait times in the emergency rooms, Delaware is at a higher risk for societal disruption than states with more diverse and extensive resources. As such, an epidemic of fear and anxiety might be worse here. ...
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CRI Dave Stevenson on News Radio WGAN

"Mr. Stevenson's discussion will focus on the success (or lack thereof) of Maine's clean energy policies, including the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and the upcoming Transportation and Climate Initiative, a regional coalition of 12 states and Washington DC that aims to reduce emis...
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Letter to Governor Carney: Offshore Wind Threatens Beach Economy (10/15/2019)

Dear Governor Carney,   One of the true joys of visiting the ocean is the chance to stare out on a crystal clear day and let the mind wander to the mysteries that lie over the horizon, and to enjoy the pure beauty.  It is rejuvenating.  Have you ever watched with wonder as t...
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