CRI News

Money Walks

RELEASE: CRI - Center for Economic Policy and Analysis RE: Money Walks – A Tale of Two Counties DATE:  5/7/19   The IRS compiles aggregate data on personal income tax returns and, among other things, shows the movement of household adjusted gross income (AGI) among co...
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Your Action Needed to Control Electricity Prices

Your action needed to control electricity prices 5/3/2019 David T. Stevenson, CRI Director A bill is expected to be proposed this year to greatly increase a government mandate for more wind and solar power. A hearing has just been scheduled to be held in the Senate Hearing Room in Legisla...
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More authority to raise taxes on property owners without a referendum

House Bill 129-- More authority to raise taxes on property owners without a referendum Date:  5/2/2019   When 3 referendums are defeated in the last several months and many more in prior years, I do not believe the first action taken by our legislators is to take the voting r...
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"A shotgun approach to curbing violent crimes"

"A shotgun approach to curbing violent crimes" By Matt L. Lenzini, CRI Adivsory Council 4/12/2019   Numerous bills were introduced in the Delaware State legislature recently that would limit the sale of certain types of firearms, limit the capacity of magazines and limit...
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Dover wants to amend Title 29. Dover is proposing a cost of living (COLA)...

AN ACT TO AMEND TITLE 29 OF THE DELAWARE CODE RELATING TO THE STATE EMPLOYEES' PENSION PLAN AND COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENT.   Having survived a nearly $400 million deficit two years ago and with State employee and retiree healthcare benefits rising 6% to 8% per annum, Senate Bill 62 no...
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Change the System not the Standards!

Change the System not the Standards! By Ron Russo, CRI Executive Director 3/28/2019   In a recent guest column, Atnre Alleyne (Executive Director of DelawareCAN) identified the obstacles faced by many students trying to gain admission to some of the state’s best schools.&nbs...
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Nuclear Power Far from a Dead Horse

Nuclear Power Far from a Dead Horse By David T. Stevenson, CRI Policy Director 4/8/2019   Dr. Sowers April 8, comparison of nuclear power to a dead horse is dead wrong.  Despite the recent closure of a few nuclear power plants the remaining plants still supply 20 percent of...
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THE UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE IN TRANSITION A common theme among the current candidates for the position of mayor of the City of Newark is the call for improved dialogue with the University of Delaware. The impression is that the University is growing rapidly and having a bigger footprint i...
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Delaware's statewide property tax update

3/11/2019 DATA DELAWARE:  Delaware's statewide property tax update Senate Bill 50, the Del Tech carve-out, is dead. State Senator Colin Bonini provided the leadership in defeating it! Today, the State Senator from the 16th District, makes his first of a two part visit address...
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Delaware’s Misguided Lawsuits against the EPA

Delaware’s Misguided Lawsuits against the EPA By David T. Stevenson, CRI Policyb Director 2/28/2019   Delaware has joined another multi-state lawsuit against a US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation.   The Obama era EPA wrote the Cross-State Air P...
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