CRI News

Transparency in public education - a parental right - a state obligation

Transparency in public education - a parental right - a state obligation By Charlie Copeland, Director (pictured)  Center for Analysis of Delaware's Economy & Government Spending February 17, 2022      Parents have the right to decide the cont...
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Biden’s dictatorial instincts lose in court again

Biden's dictatorial instincts lose in court again By David T. Stevenson (pictured) Center for Energy & Environmental Policy February 14, 2022     President Biden seems to misunderstand the power of his office. A stream of executive orders in the first ...
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Governor Carney’s Missed Opportunity

Governor Carney's Missed Opportunity By Charlie Copeland, Director (pictured)  Center for Analysis of Delaware's Economy & Government Spending February 4, 2022 (Also, published on 2/11/2022 by Delaware State News as a Commentary)     With ...
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Delaware Climate Plan Misses on facts and policy path

Delaware Climate Plan misses on facts and policy path By David T. Stevenson (pictured) Center for Energy & Environmental Policy February 2, 2022     Every written comment on Delaware's Climate Action Plan starts out repeating the same unsupported "fa...
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Delaware's 40-year experiment: pro-growth vs. anti-growth policies

Delaware's 40-year experiment: pro-growth vs. anti-growth policies By Charlie Copeland (pictured) Center for Analysis of Delaware's Economy & Government Spending January 21, 2022 (Listen to radio interview ===>  Mike Bradley with Charlie Copeland from The Caesa...
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Virginia, your 'green new deal' price tag is showing

Virginia, your 'green new deal' price tag is showing   By David T. Stevenson, Director Center for Energy & Environmental Policy January 18, 2022     (Note: this release is a companion piece to a recent article about Delaware's real and prove...
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Imagine Delaware with no in-state electric power generation

Imagine Delaware with no in-state electric power generation By David T. Stevenson, Director Center for Energy & Environmental Policy December 21, 2021 (updated January 11, 2022)     Delaware generated 78% of its electricity in-state a decade ago, but it will like...
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Hybrid vehicles a better option than full battery powered vehicles

Hybrid vehicles a better option than full battery powered vehicles By David T. Stevenson, Director Center for Energy and Environmental Policy December 14, 2021     Let's assume you want to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions with your choice of the vehicle y...
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COMMENTARY: Healthcare in Delaware can be improved

Healthcare in Delaware can be improved By C.D. Casscells, MD (pictured) Director of the Center for Health Policy (Originally published on Sunday, December 12, 2021 by Delaware State News.)     For multiple decades the people of Delaware have had limited access to healthcare at an expensive...
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Multistate carbon tax scheme on gasoline collapses

Multistate carbon tax scheme on gasoline collapses By David T. Stevenson Director of the Center for Energy & Environmental Policy November 19, 2021     A dozen states have been considering a tax on carbon dioxide emissions from gasoline and diesel fuel, starting at ...
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