CRI News

Is Early Childhood Education Really Where Delaware Should Be Focused?

Is Early Childhood Education Really Where Delaware Should Be Focused? By Tanya Hettler, PhD Center for Education Policy July 12, 2024   A new Early Childhood Education Bill, SB 305, which expands state-provided early childhood education services, has passed in the latest sessio...
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Campaign Finance in Delaware – The Dark Money Continues

Campaign Finance in Delaware - The Dark Money Continues By Charlie Copeland Center for Economic & Fiscal Policy July 11, 2024   "A dependence on the people is no doubt the primary control on the government." -James Madison (Fourth President of the United States...
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Building Strong Readers in Delaware: Applying the Science of Reading

Building Strong Readers in Delaware: Applying the Science of Reading By Dr. Tanya Hettler, PhD Center for Education Policy Friday, June 14, 2024     In 2022, Delaware passed HB 304, which has been called the Science of Reading Bill. This legislation mandates three ann...
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The Pending Budget Crisis in Delaware-Get Candidates on the Record

The Pending Budget Crisis in Delaware-Get Candidates on the Record By Charlie Copeland, Director, Center for Economic & Fiscal Policy (May 13, 2024)   "Responsibly managing our state budget remains a priority." - Governor John Carney Budget Proposal Introducto...
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No Need for a ‘Hospital Review Board’ in Delaware

No Need for a 'Hospital Review Board' in Delaware By Christopher Casscells, MD, Stacie Beck, PhD, and John Toedtman Center for Health Policy May 2, 2024     We commend Representative Valerie Longhurst's efforts to rein in hospital costs in Del...
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School Freedom Billboard Initiative Sparks Urgent Call for Education Reform in Delaware

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   School Freedom Billboard Initiative Sparks Urgent Call for Education Reform in Delaware     (Newark, DE., March 28, 2024)-The Caesar Rodney Institute (CRI) announces the launch of the School Freedom Billboard Initiative, a ground...
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Caesar Rodney Institute Releases 2nd Annual 'Delaware Report Card' on Governance

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 16, 2024   Caesar Rodney Institute Releases 2nd Annual 'Delaware Report Card' on Governance  (CLICK HERE to view the report card.)     NEWARK, DE--The Caesar Rodney Institute (CRI) announces the release ...
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Elongated COVID-19 ‘Emergency’ Severely Damaged Delaware

Elongated COVID-19 'Emergency' Severely Damaged Delaware Balancing powers between Executive and Legislative branches in emergencies By Charlie Copeland, Director Center for Economic & Fiscal Policy April 11, 2024     "NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOH...
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Navigating Reform: Legislative Priorities to Improve Delaware K-12 Education

Navigating Reform: Legislative Priorities to Improve Delaware K-12 Education Charting a path to excellence in the state's education system By Dr. Tanya Hettler,PhD, Director Center for Education Excellence March 21, 2024     Despite Delawa...
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Parental Rights at Crossroads: Failure to Safeguard Minors in Delaware Legislation

Parental Rights at Crossroads: Failure to Safeguard Minors in Delaware Legislation By Greg Lavelle CRI Contributor & Former Delaware Senator February 26, 2024     Last month, Delaware's Senate Education Committee met for the first time in 2024. One of the b...
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