Center For Energy & Environmental Policy

Center For Energy & Environmental Policy


Bloom Rebate Petition: The state of Delaware legislated requirements that led to Delmarva Power signing a long-term contract for high-cost electric generation using fuel cells from Bloom Energy, Inc. This will cost families as much as an extra $2,000 over the life of the contract. Some manufacturers are paying a job-killing $1 million a year. Delawareans are subsequently left with lost job opportunities, lower wages, and higher electric bills...(SIGN THE PETITION)

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Delaware government policies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by mandating the use of premium-priced, unreliable wind and solar power have clearly led to non-competitive electricity prices in the state. These unnecessarily higher electricity prices hurt the poor through high monthly electricity bills and the loss of thousands of high-paying blue-collar jobs. High electricity rates are one of the main reasons new companies decide not to locate in Delaware.
There are several projects important to the free market and Center-Right movements that have been top priority, high visibility CRI initiatives for several years. They include the ongoing fights against offshore wind turbines, Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiatives (RGGI), and the Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI). In addition, the Center will also continue in coming years to push back against regressive policies that have done virtually nothing to reduce CO2 emissions. CRI will do this by:
  • Establishing CRI as a leading source of sound energy and environmental policy information in Delaware and nationally, capitalizing on the Center’s reputation for credibility and effectiveness. 
  • Moving Delaware government at all levels to adopt sound energy and environmental policies that balance environmental concerns with cost and reliability, thus boosting conservation and the economy.
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Officials in New York and the Federal Government determined that the proposed offshore wind turbine lease area off the Hamptons is too close and ruins the serene ocean viewshed. They also noted it is a threat to navigation, fishing, and endangered marine mammals.      The F...

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President Biden wants to build 500,000 new electric vehicle (EV) charging stations by 2030 using government subsidies to fill an imaginary shortage. We urge the federal government to allow markets to work and to stay out of subsidizing EV chargers. We don't need to add to the fe...

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To read the document, please download the pdf below.

To read the public comments, please click link below...

To read the review, please click link below...

To read the public comments, please click link below...

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