The latest data from the Center for Disease Control on out-of-wedlock births does not bode well for Delaware. During 2009 nearly 48% of all the births in the First State were to unwed mothers. This ranges from 34% of all births to whites, 65% for Hispanics, and 72% for blacks. In 2009 the n...
Read MoreThe Caesar Rodney Institute has updated its Transparent Delaware website with state payroll and vendor data through 2010. A quick glance at the data shows that there will be a great deal to consider. As a first pass, CRI looked at “overtime” pay and “other” pay in th...
Read MoreThe Caesar Rodney Institute has updated its Transparency Delaware website with state payroll and vendor data through 2010. A quick glance at the data shows that there will be a great deal to consider. Given the patterns uncovered by the Delaware News Journal in the past, CRI looked at “overti...
Read MoreThe Tax Foundation has just released its 2012 Facts and Figures on state finances. The results are below in order of Delaware’s ranking among all the states. Delaware ranks 9th highest in tax collections per capita and 8th highest in debt per capita. The high ranking in tax collections is not...
Read MoreThe Caesar Rodney Institute has updated its Transparency Delaware website with state payroll and vendor data through 2010. Analysis of the pattern of the vendor transactions for 2010 is instructive. State government is a major buyer of the services of nonprofit organizations and a major donor to no...
Read MoreWith the closure of the GM and Chrysler automobile plants, the unions’ share of employment in Delaware has fallen below the national average. But the remaining unions, through their supply of campaign funds, volunteers and votes have the Governor and most of the legislature in their pockets. U...
Read MoreWhat would you think of officials who spend tens of millions of your tax dollars every year and never check on whether citizens get what they pay for? That’s what’s happening with Delaware’s questionable program to buy jobs. The state regularly gives your tax dollars to companies ...
Read MoreAccording to the 2010 FBI Uniform Crime Report, the violent and property crime rates in Delaware are well above surrounding states and the nation. Surprisingly, except for the City of Wilmington, the highest 2010 crime rates are concentrated in Sussex County towns and cities. Expressed as incidents...
Read MoreAdministration economists and officials keep touting the multiplier effects from additional government spending. Extended unemployment benefits generate more than a dollar’s worth of activity in the economy. More agricultural subsidies will pump up economic growth. This is macroecono...
Read MoreThe data is clear that rising state and local tax burdens drive wealthy households from states. The steadily rising state and local tax burden in Delaware is problematic.