Center for Economic & Fiscal Policy

Center for Economic & Fiscal Policy

The Center's mission is critically important to Delaware because state policies continue to be an unfortunate catalyst for the clear decline of Delaware’s economy for far too long. For instance…
  • Over the past 20 years, Delaware’s per capita income has gone from the highest in the nation to below the national average.
  • According to the Delaware Department of Labor, employment is projected to grow at only 0.5% over the next decade, thereby trailing most of the nation.
  • Since 2009, Delaware has had five recessions compared to one in the rest of the country.
  • Including the variable Gross Receipts Tax, small business owners in Delaware often pay the highest personal income tax rates in America. 
In partnership with other like-minded Delaware organizations, the primary goals of this Center are to develop bi-partisan strategies and alternative policy options that will bring transparencyregulatory reform, and improved effectiveness to the tens of billions of dollars spent by the State every year.
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When we started the Delaware Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at the University of Delaware, Bill Wyer was the president of the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce (DSCC). Bill was a junk yard dog for business in Delaware. Under his leadership the DSCC fought against any tax increases and inv...

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9/20/2012   The on-going analysis of the Transparent Delaware data on state payroll continues to raise puzzling results. For this round, CRI compared the total compensation of state employees in 2008 and 2010 and found that some state employees are treated far more generously than others with...

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9/28/2012   As a public service and to boost government transparency, the Caesar Rodney website includes payroll data for every state government employee and all vendor transactions. While recently updating this information through June of 2011, CRI ran into a roadblock with regard to adding ...

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10/2/2012   When the Caesar Rodney Institute launched its Transparent Delaware website in March of this year, the intent was to include with the individual state payroll and vendor data, the most recent state pension data. The request for the pension data was denied on the basis of statute 29...

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After two decades of stellar performance, Delaware’s economy moved in reverse during the most recent decade, and the near term outlook is subpar.   A DECADE OF DECLINE   The major measures of performance for the Delaware economy from 2000 through 2010 are grim. Compared to a medi...

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Friday August 5, 2011 will likely be remembered as “the NEW Black Friday” or “THE” Black Friday. On that day, after markets closed, Standard and Poor’s (S&P) fulfilled its previous warning and downgraded the sovereign credit rating of the USA to AA+ from the fifty-y...

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State governments vary in the degree to which they favor organized labor over taxpayers. The latest research from the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) documents that Delaware government has adopted policies_OLD that give priority to unions over the interests of Delaware’s citizens. &nbs...

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CRIs proposals to bring efficiency to the States Prison System.

A comparison of DE to other states in taxation with respect to the day every year when we are finally finished paying our taxes.

The constraining influence of the Delaware Economic and Financial Advisory Committee (DEFAC) has been a major factor in maintaining the state of Delawares high bond ratings. Recently, however, DEFAC has drifted. Over the past decade the mean absolute percentage error in DEFACs one year ahead fore...

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