Center for Economic & Fiscal Policy

Center for Economic & Fiscal Policy

The Center's mission is critically important to Delaware because state policies continue to be an unfortunate catalyst for the clear decline of Delaware’s economy for far too long. For instance…
  • Over the past 20 years, Delaware’s per capita income has gone from the highest in the nation to below the national average.
  • According to the Delaware Department of Labor, employment is projected to grow at only 0.5% over the next decade, thereby trailing most of the nation.
  • Since 2009, Delaware has had five recessions compared to one in the rest of the country.
  • Including the variable Gross Receipts Tax, small business owners in Delaware often pay the highest personal income tax rates in America. 
In partnership with other like-minded Delaware organizations, the primary goals of this Center are to develop bi-partisan strategies and alternative policy options that will bring transparencyregulatory reform, and improved effectiveness to the tens of billions of dollars spent by the State every year.
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Fridays data release by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows Delawares unemployment rate dropping from 9.0% in April to 8.8% in May. This is the second month the First States unemployment rate has declined since hitting the recession peak of 9.2%.

Should all households of similar income in Delaware be taxed the same?

The latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis shows that the south is rising again in Delaware. Due to more restrictive land use regulations in New Castle County (NCC) and the migration of retirees into Sussex County, the past 20 years has seen NCC’s share of the state’s popu...

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A Heritage Foundation Special Report

The “gray wave” is hitting Delaware as the leading edge of the baby boomers reached 65 in 2010. Born between 1946 and 1964, the baby boomers have a long history of reshaping America. The boomers have sent shock waves through the economy, through state and local government, and through th...

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Delaware’s insurance commissioner has requested a waiver of the Federal rule requiring health insurers to spend 80 percent of each premium dollar on medical care. This is the wrong waiver. If Delaware would simply open itself to health insurance competition the terms of the balance between com...

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Have you ever wondered which state employee receives the most compensation? (Orlando George with $454,230 in 2010…more than two and a half times what the Governor is paid. George has been paid more than $1.6 million over the past four years.) What about use of overtime and other pay by state ...

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Ohio Gov. John Kasich made good on a major campaign promise by killing the states death tax and eliminating an $8 Billion deficit in the lastest fiscal budget.

The recently released Transportation Trust Fund Task Force report projects a shortfall of $3.7 billion between spending and revenues over the coming ten years. The danger of not dealing with the shortfall is deterioration in Delaware’s transportation infrastructure and the resulting negative c...

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The latest data on state to state migration confirms that folks vote rationally with their feet and that Delaware legislators are in denial about this fact.   Census data shows that two-thirds of the net migrants into Delaware from 2007-09 came from just four states: New Jersey, New York, Pen...

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