Center for Economic & Fiscal Policy

Center for Economic & Fiscal Policy

The Center's mission is critically important to Delaware because state policies continue to be an unfortunate catalyst for the clear decline of Delaware’s economy for far too long. For instance…
  • Over the past 20 years, Delaware’s per capita income has gone from the highest in the nation to below the national average.
  • According to the Delaware Department of Labor, employment is projected to grow at only 0.5% over the next decade, thereby trailing most of the nation.
  • Since 2009, Delaware has had five recessions compared to one in the rest of the country.
  • Including the variable Gross Receipts Tax, small business owners in Delaware often pay the highest personal income tax rates in America. 
In partnership with other like-minded Delaware organizations, the primary goals of this Center are to develop bi-partisan strategies and alternative policy options that will bring transparencyregulatory reform, and improved effectiveness to the tens of billions of dollars spent by the State every year.
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In CNBC’s recent ranking of the top states for business Delaware came in 42nd. Is there really any reason for concern? If so, what needs to be done to make Delaware more business competitive?   CNBC scores the 50 states on 40 different measures of competitiveness grouped into ten aggreg...

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The passage of the Uniform Development Code in 1998 has brought New Castle Countys economy to a standstill.

Delaware is ranked number one in economic freedom among the states in the 6th edition of the Fraser Institute’s Economic Freedom of North America. Why is this important?

The Caesar Rodney Institute’s analysis of the Universal Recycling bill, SB234 indicates tonnage diverted for the added recycled material will have a potential value of $0.8 million/yr.  Costs to Delaware residents will be $28.6 million/yr. So, each $1 of benefit will cost Delawa...

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The future of Delawares economy lies primarily with its current business base.

State expenditures on Medicaid are the fastest growing component of the General Fund.

Less than half of Delawareans receive unemployment insurance benefits when they lose their job. The claims process is time consuming and demeaning for many. Errors in payment and outright fraud waste millions. There is a better way. Personal Unemployment Accounts (UA), run like a...

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The national base realignment and closure program (BRAC) is transforming the Aberdeen Proving Ground into a major center for high tech research and development. Employment at Aberdeen will hit about 22,000 by late 2011. The bulk of these employees will be civilians in occupations such as computer sc...

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Will the tremendous expansion at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds impact Delawares economy?

Delaware state tax revenue has consistently hovered around 5.5% of gross state output. The bottom line is that citizens and businesses are creative and find ways to limit the total government takes out of their pockets.