Center for Economic & Fiscal Policy

Center for Economic & Fiscal Policy

The Center's mission is critically important to Delaware because state policies continue to be an unfortunate catalyst for the clear decline of Delaware’s economy for far too long. For instance…
  • Over the past 20 years, Delaware’s per capita income has gone from the highest in the nation to below the national average.
  • According to the Delaware Department of Labor, employment is projected to grow at only 0.5% over the next decade, thereby trailing most of the nation.
  • Since 2009, Delaware has had five recessions compared to one in the rest of the country.
  • Including the variable Gross Receipts Tax, small business owners in Delaware often pay the highest personal income tax rates in America. 
In partnership with other like-minded Delaware organizations, the primary goals of this Center are to develop bi-partisan strategies and alternative policy options that will bring transparencyregulatory reform, and improved effectiveness to the tens of billions of dollars spent by the State every year.
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In 2011, the  Caesar Rodney Institute (CRI) published an analysis showing Delaware's 2007-2009 migration trends. At that time, Delaware was gaining citizens from high-tax, low-growth Northeastern States (two-thirds of in-migration coming from New Jersey, New York,...

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Several decades ago, Delaware instituted a gross receipts tax, aka Delaware's hidden sales tax, that is applied to the business rather than the consumer. When instituted, the tax was meant to be temporary to handle a budget shortfall.   So, why does Delaware still impose...

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Delaware legislators are exempt from Delaware's ethics laws leading the State to become one of the most corrupt in the Nation. This can be fixed.   Delaware has a decades-long history of corruption by elected officials. The title of this article, "People want to give us gifts,&...

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Please download pdf to view survey. 

Please download pdf to view survey. 

With a billion dollars in the American Rescue Plan Act funds and a Federal Reserve-stoked budget surplus in the hundreds of millions of dollars, Governor John Carney had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for boldness. He played "small ball," and that is a shame. In the end, Dela...

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In 1980, the US and Delaware economies were in shambles. Forty years later, at the end of 2020, the US and Delaware economies were again suffering because of the global pandemic. This 40-year period provides a real-life experiment in pro-growth versus anti-growth Delaware-based government policy...

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The following is an update on the data release that CRI issued on July 2, 2020. CRI, periodically, will continue to update releases like this to demonstrate with data whether Delaware's economy has started to improve in overall terms or to improve in relation to the nation or n...

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Delaware policymakers have promoted policies for years that have led to the breakdown of civil order in several communities in our State. These policies have promoted a sequence of "failure behaviors" that have led directly to the violence and poverty we see. If we really want to build...

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Delaware has suffered a 31% decline in high-paying manufacturing jobs over the last 18 years. With federal funds from Covid stimulus legislation and tweaks to the State's site and business permitting process, Delaware could position itself for decades of manufacturing job growth.  ...

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