This article was originally published at on June 4, 2015 and in The News Journal the next day. As former chair of DEFAC (the Delaware Economic and Financial Advisory Council 1977-85), I read with interest and enthusiasm the May 2015 report of the DEFAC Advisory Council on Rev...
Read MoreThe Liberty Foundation of Oklahoma ( today released data on the labor force participation rates from 1999 through 2013 for all states. The trends in Delaware are disturbing (click on the link below for the depressing statistics). The participation in the labor force b...
Read MoreRetail trade in northern Delaware seems to be in a funk. Between 2007 and 2014 total inflation-adjusted retail sales in New Castle County decreased 11%. Retail trade employment is down by over 7% and the total number of retail trade establishments has dropped by almost 11%. What explains this...
Read MoreWith a budget battle about to begin, what does the data suggest as the direction Delaware should take? Let’s start with a quick look back and compare the year 2005 to the year 2015. Since 2005 Delaware has added a total of 12,000 jobs. This is an employment growth r...
Read MoreThis article first appeared at on November 18, 2015, and in the News Journal November 19, 2015. As noted by The News Journal, a recent report by the Center for Public Integrity and Global integrity rated Delaware State Government as 48th among the states in accountability...
Read MoreThis article originally appeared on on October 11, 2015, and in the News Journal October 12, 2015. Despite their coordinated public relations splash on The News Journal’s Opinion pages, both Sen. Coons and Gov. Markell demonstrated a surprising lack of knowledge...
Read MoreThe Federal Bureau of Economic Analysis has released the first quarter 2015 personal income data for Delaware and the changes since 2005 are striking. Total personal income for Delawareans rose 39% over the latest 10 years. Adjusted for inflation, real personal income has averaged growth of 1...
Read MoreOn Jan. 14, Gov. Jack Markell issued an executive order establishing the DEFAC (Delaware Economic and Financial Advisory Committee) “Advisory Council on Revenue.” The primary charge to the council is to evaluate whether the state’s principal revenue sources are adequate and appropr...
Read MoreDelaware Business Times edition "Economy Watch," January 6, 2015. Dr. John Stapleford's article, "Delaware's Economic Outlook," is on Pages 4-5. He summarizes 2014 state economic data and makes projections for 2015.
Overall, Delaware has the 14th best 2015 business tax climate according to the Tax Foundation. Even more important, as jobs are far more likely to move between contiguous states, Delaware’s tax climate is far better than surrounding states in the region (see the tabe available in the download ...
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