State Senator Darius Brown has proposed additional minimum wage increases on top of the increase from the last legislative session. These proposed increases are substantial, raising the Delaware minimum wage from $9.25 to $11.00 in 2020 and then adding $1.00 every year after until a $15.00 minimum w...
Read MoreProductivity is typically measured as the amount of output (the market value) of the goods or services each worker in an industry produces over a year. Based upon output per worker or productivity, one can identify which industries will pay high wages and maintain competitive prices. Ob...
Read MoreIn its recent report on “Growth Centers” the Brooking Institute declares that “the future of America’s economy lies in its high-tech innovation sector.” Brookings identifies a cohort of 13 innovation industries where R&D expenditures exceed $20,000 per ...
Read MoreThe Pew Center Trust has recently updated its information website on the fiscal health of states. It confirms much of what is known about the State of Delaware’s finances. On the positive side, as of 2018 Delaware state government could run 20.5 days on rainy day funds if tax reve...
Read MoreThe Fraser Institute has just released its 2018 economic freedom rankings for the states in the U.S. and Delaware remains ranked a low 39th. Delaware ranked as high as 10th among the states in economic freedom in 2002 and fell precipitously in the rankings following the 2007-08 recession. ...
Read MoreIn a recent opinion piece Ted Kaufman, relying upon data from the liberal Economic Policy Institute, argued that weak wages require policies that would restore unions and raise the minimum wage. I would favor the policies that encourage economic growth. The Obama-Biden approach to macro...
Read MoreCRI believes that the first substantive step in approaching any public policy issue is gathering unbiased data. Data, while never perfect, moves away from rhetoric and anecdotes. Data tells us where we are so that we can measure future success or failure. The Delaware Department of Publ...
Read MoreExecutive Summary Why do we care about a growing economy? The basic answer is faster growing economies lead to higher incomes making everyone a little richer, especially reducing poverty rates and unemployment rates. The Delaware economy actually fell a half percent a year...
Read MoreThe 2018 ranking of states by fiscal condition has been issued by the Mercatus Center. The analysis is based upon FY16 financial reports. Delaware ranks 44th among the states for fiscal health. Delaware has between 1.34 and 1.98 times the cash needed to cover short-term obl...
Read MoreThis article was originally published at on May 29 in The News Journal on May 30 The recent DEFAC Advisory Council on Revenue recommends an increase in the state's Gross Receipts Tax rate. This is a gross mistake for three reasons. First, if you tax s...
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