General Electric may be looking for a new home for its corporate headquarters in response to a whopping $150 million Connecticut state tax increase. The company already moved once as a tax refugee from New York City to its current Fairfield, Connecticut location. Delaware could get on th...
Read MoreAmazon recently announced the addition of 500 jobs at its Fulfillment (distribution) Center in Middletown, bringing the total of year round jobs at the site to 2,500. Is this commitment amazing? On a macro level it is not. Over the past five years Amazon has been one of the fast growing...
Read MoreThere are many factors a business chooses when deciding where to locate or to relocate: tax rates, quality of life, quality of education system, government regulatory burden, and now for manufacturing businesses, whether a state has a Right to Work (RTW) law or not. Proving that RTW is ...
Read MoreThe recovery from the 2008-2009 recession has been the longest and weakest since WWII. Typically an upswing in domestic real investment initiates a recovery. The two main components of real investment are residential housing and nonresidential (business) investment. The bursting of the housing bubbl...
Read MoreThis article was originally published on October 28, 2014 on the website This article is reprinted in its entirely with permission. Economic research on the impact of energy prices on economic growth has focused largely on the volatility of the price of oil, which has tri...
Read MoreThis article originally appeared in The News Journal as a Delaware Voice opinion editorial on November 18, 2014. The link is: New Castle County Executive Tom Gordon and Wilmington Mayor Dennis Williams are to be congratulated for allowing consultants to produce ...
Read MoreCaesar Rodneys Transparent Delaware website has been updated to include state employee payroll data through 2013. An initial pass at the latest data continues to raise the question as to why the State of Delaware government doe...
Read MoreCaesar Rodneys Transparent Delaware website has been updated to include the state of Delawares FY 2014 vendor payments of $4.7 billion encompassing almost 474,000 individual transactions. The state is a major player in Delawares economy with vendor payments that amount to nearly 10% of private indus...
Read MoreThis article originally appeared on February 3, 2015, and in The News Journal February 4, 2015. View the original here Survey after survey shows high levels of disillusion among voters regarding their elected officials. The sense is that the political elite display a grow...
Read MoreDelaware manufacturing was hit hard by the "Great Recession". Between 2007 and 2012 total manufacturing jobs dropped almost 25% and the number of manufacturing establishments in the state fell 15%. Manufacturings annual payroll in Delaware shrank by over $366 million, a drop of 21%. The to...
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