This article was originally published Sunday, May 31 in the Delaware State News and on the website. After years of doing business as usual and putting tough spending cut decisions to the side, the General Assembly is now facing the harsh reality that yes, we do need to make spending cuts. The rou...
Read MoreDespite Lois Lerner and the flow of individuals 1040s to the White House, the IRS does some positive things as well. One of these things is compiling state to state migration data based upon the year to year changes in individual tax filings. The recently released 2010-11 data for Delaware provides ...
Read MoreThis article first appeared at on March 27, 2015, and in the News Journal on March 28, 2015. Normally, and from a professional point of view, I do not spend my time replying to politicians’ op-eds. They usually are full of ideological and partisan talking points without fac...
Read MoreThe Tax Foundation has recently released its 2015 State Business Tax Climate Index. As usual the "tax you until you leave" states of New Jersey, New York and California fall at the bottom of the rankings. Besides the "energy belt" states, it is no surprise that Florida, New H...
Read MoreA recent report from the Competitive Enterprise Institute confirms once again the economic boost that right to work laws provide states. Richard Vedder and Jonathan Robe, in "An Interstate Analysis of Right to Work Laws," confirm that over time the ...
Read MoreGovernor Markell recently proposed to the State Employee Benefits Committee increases in the monthly health insurance premium and health care deductibles for active and retired State employees and their dependents. The Governor has made a difficult, and long overdue, decision, and deserves commendat...
Read MoreAs the failed gubernatorial recall in Wisconsin and other recent referendums evidence, citizens are waking up to the fact that politicians have made pension commitments for public employees that can’t be sustained. Delawareans should be equally concerned about the overuse of supplemental pay b...
Read MoreSince the state of Delaware awarded Fisker Motors an interest free loan of $12.5 million and a $9 million grant, what has transpired and what lessons can be learned from this? Following the loan and grant from the state and a $529 million federal government loan guarantee, things have been ugly. ...
Read MoreThe University of Delaware, in conjunction with the National Renewable Energy Lab, is seeking a grant from a $180 million fund established by the U. S. Department of Energy for a wind turbine research project to be built off the coast of Delaware. The effort has the full support of Delaware’s ...
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